Release notes - v0.65

Date of Release: July 3, 2018



  1. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  2. Instabot Account
  3. Update/Add Instabot JavaScript to your website

Version Access


The below enhancements are new functionality items in this version.

1. New Conversations tab

New conversations tab:

  • Observe live bot conversations happen realtime
  • Beta release of live-chat

2. The Live Chat Marketing Site

New live-chat marketing feature!

3. Integrations Page on Bot Management

New integrations page detailing all of the currently supported Zapier integrations. Stay tuned, more coming soon!


4. New Node Editor on Bot Builder

New UI and options for new node-types (email and phone number)


5. Improvements on Storyboard zoom/expand & collapse

New tools to easily navigate to different parts of your conversation - See all, zoom in, zoom out


6. Updated subject lines for conversation emails: anonymous users

Fixed Issues

The below issues are fixed items related to known issues in previous versions.

No large fixes with this release, most of the updates were small cosmetic loose ends that you probably didn't notice. Nothing to worry about here!

Removed Functionality

No functionality has been removed in this version