Release Notes - v0.67

Date of Release: July 30, 2018



  1. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  2. Instabot Account
  3. Update/Add Instabot JavaScript to your website

Version Access


The below enhancements are new functionality items in this version.

1. Instabot just got Smarter with new Conditional Logic

Use conditional logic to to analyze a set of values against responses/properties/goals of an earlier engagement and change the user's path depending on if the condition is true or false. This enables you to create truly dynamic bots that behave specifically for each user.


Add Conditional Logic

Chain link multiple conditions together to create more complex logical operators.

2. Change Node type from the Editor

Easily change the node type without losing your prompt message. Use the drop down next to the node name to swap between available node types.


3. Add Preview of Widget to Bot Overview Page

Preview your bot quicker without having to go into the Edit view of a bot. Now select the Eye icon to view the preview right from the overview page.


Fixed Issues

The below issues are fixed items related to known issues in previous versions.

  1. Node Editor - Added a character count to track when approaching character limits
  2. Node Editor - Added validation warnings for required fields.
  3. Could not previously change the default first node added from simple statement
  4. Node Editor - Show the Mark as Goal section opened by default to reduce additional user clicks.
  5. Custom Webhooks improvements
  6. Minor stability and performance improvements.

Functionality no longer with us

No functionality has been removed in this version