Release Notes - v0.70

Date of Release: September 19, 2018



  1. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  2. Instabot Account
  3. Update/Add Instabot JavaScript to your website


The below enhancements are new functionality items in this version.

1. Use the "Full Name" user property to collect and correctly parse out user's First and Last Name

Instead of asking your user's for their First and Last name in separate nodes, simply save their response as "Full Name" and we will intelligently parse out the First Name and the Last Name into their own properties. So you get the convenience of simplifying the bot but maintain the individual data points for your lead list or CRM.


And when you want to use their full name in a node message, just add the "Full Name" property into the message area and the bot will combine First and Last name.

2. Adding additional URL Triggers

Updated the experience a little to create a new URL entry when you begin adding the initial URL. Its okay to leave the second one empty, we just wanted to make it easier if you are configuring your bot to work on several different URLs.


Fixed Issues

The below issues are fixed items related to known issues in previous versions.

  1. Phone Number Nodes were causing validation errors when a valid phone number was entered
  2. Preview pane was not following conditional logic which affected testing the bot.
  3. Save bot will no longer trigger publish bot validation checks. So you can save as you build
  4. Newly created User properties are no longer delayed when viewing the user property list.
  5. Trim extra "blank spaces" when Multiple Choice options are created so that they do not create false negative results when used in conditional logic.
  6. Fixed issues with user properties not appearing in the advanced search filter.
  7. Fixed issues with user properties not appearing in the excel export
  8. Improved speed of location data appearing for new engaged users in the live chat view.
  9. Improved speed an performance when processing conditional logic.
  10. We made architectural changes to LiveChat in order to improve speed and performance when chatting with your end users.
  11. We fixed the ability to download data from older bot versions.

Functionality No Longer Supported

No functionality has been removed in this version