Release Notes - v0.71

Date of Release: October 5, 2018



  1. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  2. Instabot Account
  3. Update/Add Instabot JavaScript to your website


The below enhancements are new functionality items in this version.

1. Smart Grouping of Instabot Features

We have grouped all Instabot features into related categories for clearer understanding about how they will affect your Instabot. All node types are still grouped together, but bot Actions like Link to existing Node or Redirect to an external URL are separated out as well as Conditional Logic is put in a group of its own called Intelligence.

These groupings will allow us to expand on Instabot features without becoming overwhelming. Also, we added shortcut buttons on the storyboard that open these groups automatically.


2. New Node Type - User's Name

You could always create a free form text node that collected a user's name, but since this is a main feature of capturing leads, we made it simple. Now select the node type User's Name from the list of node types and we will automatically save the user's response to the Full Name property.


3. Updated User Properties Management Page

We have updated the design of the User Properties Management page to match with the rest of the site. It is accessed from the Users component of Instabot.


You will also notice that the list of property format's now match the node types - this should decrease confusion related to the types of properties you want to create.


Fixed Issues

The below issues are fixed items related to known issues in previous versions.

  1. Renamed node type Simple Statement to Send a Message.
  2. Reorganized list of Nodes in the order of most frequently used. Multiple Choice is now listed first.
  3. When scrolling throughout the portal, lock the headers in place so the main actions are always visible.
  4. Settings page, copy your API key will now only copy the API key to your clipboard.
  5. Changing the Node name will update an @Node placeholder used in a bot message.
  6. We have added a warning when switching from a single answer multiple choice node to an unlimited case. You will be warned that any bot paths will be lost when doing this.

Functionality no longer supported

No functionality has been removed in this version