Release Notes - v1.0.6

Date of Release: May 16, 2019



  1. Latest version of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge
  2. Instabot Account
  3. Instabot JavaScript added to your website


The below enhancements are new functionality items in this version.

1. Track Changes between Bot Versions

Now we make it easy to track the changes between different versions of your bot. Add a short description when you publish the bot that will help to contextualize what the changes are. Then when you review the engagement across different bot versions, you will have supporting information about which changes had the greatest affect on your bots' performance.

There are two ways to add a description to your bot version:

  1. Add these changes in the modal after you publish a new version of your bot.
  1. Or you can always update and edit this description by viewing the version pane for any bot and updating the posted description.

2. Export Engagement Stats for Each Bot Version

Want to see how engagement trends have changed throughout each version of your bot? We have made it easy to export this data to a CSV.

Simply select the "Export" button from the version panel and you will receive the report in an email with engagement stats for each version of the bot.


3. Export Reply Rate for each Node in a Bot Version

In addition to exporting engagement stats for each bot version, we also make it possible to review how each node is performing between different versions.

Select the "Export" button at the top of the Conversation Flow report to send yourself an email with the report in CSV format.


Fixed Issues

The below issues are fixed items related to known issues in previous versions.

  1. Analytics Report - Show a calculates as of time label
  2. If user is "Archived" they will not receive a bot
  3. Full screen carousel of multiple choice buttons with images expanded outside of the conversation container.
  4. Email Alert was not being sent for "All Engagement" frequency if the bot was incomplete.
  5. Conversation page is not filtered to selected bot when choosing this report from the Bot Management Menu.
  6. Performance and stability improvements.