Users Object


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The Users Object API provides methods for managing your users in Instabot. To understand basic principles of working with objects it is recommended to read the Working with Objects guide first.


  1. Create a User
  2. Update a User
  3. Delete a User
  4. Get a User
  5. Get Users List
  6. User Object Schema
    6a. Conversation Object Schema
    6b. Session Object Schema
    6c. Responses Object Schema
    6d. Goal-Node Object Schema

1. Create User

To create a user, send POST request with JSON defining the user:

curl -X POST \
		"" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key:{API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
    -d '{JSON_DATA}'

Here is the sample JSON that can be supplied within the request:

   "name":"User First",
   "description":"First user"

Detailed description of User fields can be found in the User Object Schema section. Please note that the userName and userPassword fields are required for user creation.

If everything ok then API should respond with HTTP Status 201 and with body containing id of created object.

    "apiStatusCode" : "Success",
    "data": {
        "objectId" : 400

2. Update User

To update the user object, send a PUT request with the {OBJECT_ID} identifier of the user object you want to update:

curl -X PUT \
		"{OBJECT_ID}" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}" \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{JSON_DATA}'

Here is the sample JSON that can be supplied within the request:

   "name":"User First",
   "description":"Sample user description"

Detailed description of User fields can be found in User Object Schema section.

3. Delete User

User can be deleted by sending a DELETE request using the {OBJECT_ID} identifier of the object you want to delete:

curl -X DELETE \
		"{OBJECT_ID}" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}"

If you want to restore a deleted user object, send a POST request using the {OBJECT_ID} identifier of the deleted object.

curl -X POST \
		"{OBJECT_ID}" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}"

4. Get User

To get information about the user call GET method using as {OBJECT_ID} identifier of the object you need to retrieve:

curl -X GET \
		"{OBJECT_ID}" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}"

On success API should respond with JSON describing the user:

      "name":"User First",
      "description":"Sample users",

5. Get Users List

List of Users can be retrieved by any of two methods described in the Searching for Objects guide. Here is the sample call that retrieves first 20 users from the system:

curl -X GET \ 
		"" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}"

Available options for resolve query parameter:

value parameterComments
organizationsreturns list of organizations user belongs to
userSegmentsreturns list of user segments user belongs to
conversationsreturns list of conversations user has engaged with

Available options for the type query parameter:

type parameterComments
allReturn both anonymous, and registered users

Additionally, the lastUpdated users endpoint, and the since query parameter can be used to restrict the returned users to only those users with updated/changed information since the datetime specified. For example, the following call would return only those users that have been updated since 2017-03-30T14:44:55:

curl -X GET \
		"" \
    -H "X-Instabot-Api-Key: {API_KEY}" \
    -H "Authorization:X-Instabot-Master-Api-Key {API_MASTER_KEY}"

6. User Object Schema

Here is the list of all possible properties for the User Object:

User Object Schema

Field NameTypeConstraintsComments
userNamestringRequired, UniqueUnique user name
namestringRead-writeUser display name
descriptionstringRead-writeUser description
emailstringRead-writeUser e-mail
phonestringRead-writeUser phone number
photoFileFile ObjectRead-writeReference to File Object
userPasswordstringRequiredUser password should be passed during user creation. Never returned by other methods.
userTypeenumRead-onlyType of the user
lastActivityTimedateRead-onlyDatetime (ISO-8601) of the when any property in the user object was updated.

Excludes changes in the systemProperties and lastLastLoginTime properties
firstLoginTimedateRead-onlyDatetime (ISO-8601) of first user login
lastLoginTimedateRead-onlyDatetime (ISO-8601) of last user login
systemPropertiesdictionaryRead-onlySystem properties collected by Instabot
customPropertiesdictionaryRead-writeCustom properties
organizationsarrayRead-onlyCan be resolved as &resolve=organizations
conversationsarray of conversation objectsRead-onlySee Conversation Object Schema

Conversation Object Schema


You must include the `resolve=conversations' in your API request in order to receive the
'conversations', 'sessions', 'goalnodes', and 'responses' objects in the returned user object.

For example:<USER_ID>?resolve=conversations

Field NameTypeComments
objectIdintegerInstabot conversation ID
namestringInstabot conversation name
statusenumerationPossible values - active, draft, pending, inactive, completed
platformenumerationPossible values - mobile, web
urlstringURL to this specific conversation in the Instabot portal
sessionsarray of session objectsSee Session Object schema
goalNodesarray of goalNode objectsSee Goal-Node Object schema

Session Object Schema

Field NameTypeComments
objectIdintegerInstabot conversation session ID
engagedbooleanTrue if user engaged with the conversation. Else, false
startDatedateDatetime (ISO-8601) of Instabot session launching to the user
isAbandonedbooleanTrue if user engaged but did not complete the conversation. Else, false
isMicrositebooleanTrue if the session was engaged in a microsite. Else, false.
deviceModelstringBrowser user-agent if session was taken in web. Else, make and build of mobile device if session was taken in iOS/Android (native in-app)
statusenumerationPossible values - noreply, engaged, completed
urlstringURL to this specific conversation session in the Instabot portal
responsesarray of Response objectsSee Response Object schema

Responses Object Schema

messageTextstringThe text of the Instabot question/statement.
responsestringThe text of the end-user's response to the messageText.
This field will only be present if the Instabot question/statement requires a response from the user.
datedateDatetime (ISO-8601) of when this message response occurred.
uploadedFileUrlURIURI of the file asset uploaded by the end-user.
This field will only be present if the Instabot question/statement is of type "file-upload".

Sample response:

	"hasMoreRecords": true,
	"totalCount": 16,
	"apiStatusCode": "Success",
	"data": [
			"developmentCompany": {
				"objectId": 16250400
			"name": "zhuchkovat",
			"email": null,
			"phone": null,
			"photoFile": null,
			"firstLoginTime": "2018-03-21T14:15:26.9713Z",
			"lastLoginTime": "2018-03-22T08:36:54.4006Z",
			"lastSeenDate": "2018-03-22T08:37:16.7267Z",
			"username": "zhuchkovat",
			"systemProperties": {
				"deviceModel": "Chrome 64.0.3282",
				"deviceType": "Web",
				"city": "Saint Petersburg",
				"region": "Sankt-Peterburg",
				"country": "Russian Federation",
				"clientPlatform": "web"
			"userType": "reference",
			"conversations": [
					"name": "14 03 Regression",
					"status": "Active",
					"platform": "Web",
					"url": "<url-placeholder>",
					"goalNodes": [],
					"sessions": [
							"status": "Engaged",
							"startDate": "2018-03-21T14:17:04.99Z",
							"deviceType": "Web",
							"isAbandoned": false,
							"isEngaged": true,
							"isMicrosite": false,
							"url": "<url-placeholder>",
							"objectId": 70627752,
							"responses": [
									"messageText": "Hello, friend! Your username is zhuchkovat and Carrier is Beeline"
									"date": "2018-03-21T14:17:05Z"
									"messageText": "Select 1,2 or 3",
									"response": "1",
									"date": "2018-03-21T14:17:07Z"
									"messageText": "Please upload your photo",
									"uploadedFileUrl": "",
									"date": "2018-03-21T14:17:09Z"
					"objectId": 70619441
			"lastActivityDate": "2018-03-22T08:38:13.0856Z",
			"requestInfo": null,
			"visitInfo": [
					"application": {
						"objectId": 70378010
					"count": 3
			"rowVersion": 75308456,
			"createDate": "2018-03-21T14:12:57.7386Z",
			"updateDate": "2018-03-22T08:38:13.0856Z",
			"objectId": 70627747

Goal-Node Object Schema

Field NameTypeComments
goalNamestringName of goal (as named in the Instabot portal)
nodeNamestringName of the node designated as a goal (as named in the Instabot portal)
objectIdintegerGoal-node ID